Colin Kay
Associate Professor, Translational Nutrition and Food Sciences, Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences
- Phone: 704-250-5452
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Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemistry, University of Guelph, Canada
M.S. Human Biology and Nutritional Science, University of Guelph, Canada
B.S. Biological Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada
Campus Address:
600 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Lab Personnel:
Jessica Everhart, Research Support Technician
Harry Schulz, Laboratory Manager Technician
Preeti Chandra, Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Monique Carvalho Templeton, Graduate Student
Catie Nguyen, Graduate Student
More information about Colin Kay
Dr. Colin Kay is a nutritional biochemist and associate professor of translational nutrition. His research is centered around establishing the metabolism of dietary phytochemicals and the potential impact this has on their biological activity, particularly with respect to disorders and diseases associated with aging. His research core is focused on the development of broadspectrum quantitative MS/MS methodologies for establishing the contribution of phytochemical metabolites to the human exposome. This core is supported by a program of human clinical research, involving pharmacokinetic analysis, broadspectrum metabolomics and screening of cardiometabolic health.
The Kay Lab maintains the Phytochemical Metabolome Database (P-MetDB), created in 2016. This resource extends past metabolite identifications provided by existing online food composition and metabolomic databases, including FooDB/HMDB, PhytoHub, PhenolExplorer, and USDA food composition databases. The database also contains additional modeled metabolites, established using known routes of microbial, phase I (e.g., oxidation, reduction, or hydrolysis), and phase II conjugation (e.g., sulfate, glucuronides, or methyl conjugates). The in-house phytochemical metabolome database will inform unique vs common metabolites predictive of diets rich in plant-products, and human and microbial metabolism.