PHHI Business Director Wins Award for Excellence

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Tara Vogelien, director for business and research administration with N.C. State University’s Plants for Human Health Institute, received the Award for Excellence from the university’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) during an awards luncheon in Raleigh on May 18. The award annually recognizes outstanding individual accomplishments and contributions to the college mission.

Tara Vogelien (second from right), director for business and research administration with N.C. State's Plants for Human Health Institute, received a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Award for Excellence in Raleigh on May 18, 2012. Vogelien is joined by (L-R) Dr. Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Dr. Mary Ann Lila, Dr. Steve Lommel and Dr. Johnny Wynne. (Photo by Becky Kirkland)

Vogelien is one of five CALS employees to receive the college-level Award for Excellence. College winners are submitted to a selection committee for consideration for the university-level award, which will be announced in June. Vogelien has been a catalyst in the Plants for Human Health Institute’s growth at the N.C. Research Campus in Kannapolis since operations began in 2007.

Dr. Mary Ann Lila, Plants for Human Health Institute director, was in attendance at the awards ceremony and said, “Tara is a critical resource not only to university leadership, but to each and every employee of our institute.“

A graduate of N.C. State and the University of Georgia with a background in environmental economics and toxicology, Vogelien provides expertise befitting of both the business and scientific needs that stem from a major research institute, according to Lila.

“She facilitates success for faculty, researchers and the institute first; that’s what makes Tara special.”

CALS dean, Dr. Johnny C. Wynne, presided over the ceremony and presented the award to Vogelien.

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is one of the largest colleges at N.C. State, with more than 5,000 students, faculty and staff. The college is also home to the N.C. Agricultural Research Service and the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, N.C. State’s largest outreach effort.

Writer: Justin Moore